Your business depends on having a fast and reliable network. Having a fast and reliable network depends on having proper wiring. When something is wrong with your network cabling, you need to have an experienced team that can resolve the problem for you. Take a look at some of the most common wiring issues and how an experienced team can fix them.
Cabling Doesn’t Meet Standards
Your network wiring must meet the performance standards set by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) and the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA). If they don’t meet those standards, it’s common to have an inefficient network. An experienced team will look over your current network, see if they follow EIA and TIA standards, and if not, make the necessary adjustments to ensure that the wiring adheres to the EIA and TIA standards.
No Cable Management
This is one of the most common wiring issues businesses have. You can’t expect solid network performance if you are not properly managing your cables. Proper wiring management means labeling and organizing them in a way that can be easily accessed. If your wires are unorganized, an experienced team will be able to see that and organize them for you so that it’s easier to manage and maintain your wiring.
Using Separate Cabling for Data and Voice
The traditional way of designing a cable network was to use separate set-ups for data and voice. But due to the different needs of the end user these days, this is no longer a viable option. Today’s networks are best designed using twisted pair cabling. If your network is still using separate set-ups for data and voice, have an experienced cabling technician swap those cables out for twisted pair cabling. You’ll notice a major difference in your network.
Running Cables Near Interference-Causing Devices
Did you know that there are many ways for interference to mess up your cabling setup? There are several types of interference, such as magnetic and electrical, that can affect your entire network. Working with an experienced cabling team will ensure this doesn’t happen by creating a wiring pathway free of those types of interferences.
Running Wires Parallel to Electric Cables
Running wires parallel to electric cables is a common mistake that usually leads to interference in data transmission from one point to the other. Your experienced cabling technician can remedy this by crossing the network wiring perpendicular instead of parallel. If you have any questions about the condition of your current wires, reaching out to an experienced cabling technician can help clear up any questions you may have.
We Tackle the Toughest Wiring Issues
Here at Blue Star Technologies, we have a team of experienced cabling technicians who know how to tackle even the most complex wiring issues. With over 60 years of combined experience in construction and technology, we’re sure we’ll be able to help you create a fast and reliable network. Contact us today to get started.