The Importance of Structured Cabling Maintenance and Testing

Running a business in the modern age requires consistent and reliable access to the internet, and many businesses have servers they need to run. Essentially, having a well maintained structured cabling system is a major benefit to a business. At BlueStar Technologies, we have been at the forefront of the structured cabling industry for years and can help you with all your structured cabling needs. We wanted to take some time today to talk about the importance of structured cabling maintenance and testing.

What Exactly is Structured Cabling?

Structured cabling is essential for a modern business, and the entire structured cabling system can be comprised of a number of different pieces of infrastructure. All of your IT infrastructure relies on your business’ cabling. If your business doesn’t follow the standards and best practices outlined in a structured cabling system, your cables will become disorganized. If anything ever happens and you need to perform maintenance, it can be a nightmare to fix things if your system is disorganized.

Minimize Downtime

No matter how nice and neat you have things set up in your structured cabling system, over time, things tend to become disorganized. This is one of the reasons it’s so important to have your structured cabling system maintained regularly. A disorganized cabling system leads to extended downtime when you need something repaired.

Testing Catches Issues Before They Arise

Ideally, if you manage and test your structured cabling system properly, you can greatly reduce the amount of downtime your business has due to IT interruptions. A professional structured cabling company will be able to detect and fix any errors or failings within the system. Being able to catch these before they snowball into bigger issues is crucial if you intend to minimize downtime for your business.

Keep a Log for Your Network

Just like it’s a great idea to keep a logbook outlining different milestones and different numbers worth keeping track of, it’s also a good idea to keep a log on all of the happenings with your network. You should keep track of all the different tests performed and when maintenance is performed. This information could be helpful if something goes wrong.

Have Everything Labeled

Having all of the different components of your system labeled is a big part of maintaining a proper structure cabling network. With a good labeling system, an IT specialist will be able to quickly identify where everything is and be able to get things running smoothly again.

Work With an Experienced Structured Cabling Professional

Do you still have some questions about how your business could benefit from professional structured cabling services? You’re an expert in your field; you don’t need a whole extra set of headaches to worry about. Instead, entrust your structured cabling needs to someone with years of experience. At BlueStar Technologies, we have the experience necessary to handle all of your structured cabling needs. Reach out to us today to learn more about all of the services we offer. Our team would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

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